Digital learning
21st century education integrates technologies, engaging students in ways not previously possible, creating new learning and teaching possibilities, enhancing achievement and extending interactions with local and global communities.
The use of information technology and learning technology is integrated through all aspects of student learning. Students engage in a wide variety of activities to support and enhance the curriculum within the classroom. Some of these activities include internet research, online projects, global communication through email, desktop publishing as well as multimedia and web publishing.
A comprehensive range of curriculum software is also used in conjunction with classroom programs to enhance student learning as well as extending and remediating students when required.
Years Prep to Year 6 have full time access to the internet and the school network. Computer technology in Prep to Year 6 is accessed through classroom based PC’s and laptops as well the Library Computer Laboratory and our main computer laboratory. All students have individual network login and internet access. Ipads are used with the learning programs, where appropriate.
The Junior Computer Laboratory focuses on providing online access for Years Prep to 2 to the internet with an aim at developing multiliteracies through explicit activities designed to take advantage of a variety of online projects.